DIRECTIVE Effective July 1, 2020, all private trade schools, career schools and other post-secondary facilities that offer or maintain a course of instruction or instructional program utilized to prepare individuals for future education shall be permitted to resume in-person instruction, including laboratory or clinical components, provided that the training school complies with all applicable Executive Orders and has in place a restart plan. Reliable Healthcare Agency will undertake the following measures to plan for its school reopening for in-person instruction on July 1, 2020.
Reliable Healthcare Agency will undertake the following measures to plan for its school reopening for in-person instruction on July 1, 2020.
- INFECTION CONTROL – Perform health screenings for faculty, staff, students, and visitors. – Reliable Healthcare Agency Inc will not admit staff or students into the facility who feel sick or exhibit symptoms common to COVID-19, including fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, and diarrhea. Schools must send home immediately any staff or students who begin to feel sick or exhibit symptoms common to COVID-19 and should follow recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to determine when those individuals may return to classes. – Students who are immunocompromised or at high risk for COVID. Reliable Healthcare Agency Inc will provide the option for students to receive instruction remotely.
- PHYSICAL DISTANCING – I – Social distancing in classrooms, workstations, laboratories, clinical settings, and student seating areas through the school. Computers, tables and chairs distanced apart. PAGE 2 – Classrooms reduced to 50% capacity and desks and student-seating areas arranged six feet apart where feasible. – Classes scheduled to ensure reduced crowding in classroom entryways
- FACE COVERINGS – C – All faculty, staff, students, and visitors are required to wear face coverings except individual’s where doing so would inhibit their health. – Staff and students are informed on proper use, removal, and washing of cloth face coverings, as per CDC’s guidance.
- CLEANING AND DISINFECTION – Clean and disinfect classrooms and common areas after each usage. – Throughout the day high-touch areas like desktops, light switches, doorknobs, etc. disinfected periodically. – Facility cleaned daily. – When an individual is suspected or confirmed to have COVID-19, Reliable Healthcare Agency will close off areas visited by the ill person, open outside doors and windows and use ventilating fans to increase circulation in the area, and wait 24 hours or as long as practical. Cordoned off area will not be open to anyone. A thorough cleaning and disinfecting of the area to be done.
- HAND HYGIENE – Maintain adequate PPE equipment and supplies for staff and students to wash and sanitize hands periodically. – Hand sanitizer dispensers with 60 percent or more alcohol content installed at all building entry points and throughout the facility. – Students given 10-minute breaks after every hour of instruction.
- EDUCATION AND TRAINING – Train students regarding COVID-19, including topics such as sanitization, hand hygiene, and social distancing practices and protocols as a condition for resuming in-person instruction. – Train faculty and staff on appropriate sanitization, hygiene and social distancing standards, and regarding the school’s restart plan protocols. PAGE 3 – CDC hand hygiene posters and other “How to Protect Yourself and Others” materials in English, Spanish, are displayed in strategic places around the building.
- VENTILATION – Reliable Healthcare Agency building is equipped with centralized air conditioning that is properly maintained. – Offices and classrooms have windows.
- COLLABORATION WITH HEALTH OFFICIALS – Reliable Healthcare Agency will collaborate with local and State officials, including local health departments and local office of emergency management to share reopening plans and revise those plans as necessary. – Establish testing guidance and contact tracing protocols in consultation with local health officials and in line with existing State and federal health privacy statutes and regulations. We will maintain a log of students, faculty, staff, and visitors to facilitate contact tracing and the reporting of any instances of COVID-19 to local health officials.
- ADDITIONAL RESOURCES IX.- The Road Back: Restoring Economic Health Through Public Health – State of New Jersey: COVID-19 Information Hub – Center for Disease Control: Social Distancing Guidance – New Jersey Department of Health: Information for Communities and the General Public – New Jersey Department of Health (DOH) Local Public Health Directory – Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Testing for COVID-19 – Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Symptom Checker – New Jersey Department of Health: COVID-19 Information for Schools
Re-Opening Procedures
Effective July 1st, 2020, RELIABLE HEALTHCARE AGENCY INC. Academy shall be implementing and enforcing the following guidelines in efforts to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
- All students, faculty members, and visitors are always required to wear face coverings indoors
- RELIABLE HEALTHCARE AGENCY INC. will provide face masks to all students and faculty members entering the facility.
- RELIABLE HEALTHCARE AGENCY INC. shall strongly encourage-though not mandate- all students and staff to wear face coverings outdoors.
- Faculty members shall be required to observe 6 feet of social distancing in all busy areas of the facility, such as classrooms, waiting areas, and admissions office.
- All equipment and material shall be Sanitized daily, after each use and prior to a new rotation of students.
- The facility shall continue to keep daily disinfecting and cleaning protocols in place.
- All common areas shall be closed.
- All students and faculty members shall be screened upon arrival for COVID-19 symptoms.
- All students and faculty shall receive temperature readings daily, prior to entering the facility. Any student or faculty with a temperature reading above 100.4 shall not be permitted in the facility.
- Prior to entering the facility, all students and faculty shall be required to sanitize their hands with hand sanitizer provided by the school.
- Students and faculty with elevated health risks or who have tested positive for COVID-19 shall be permitted to learn and teach remotely.
- Plexiglass is placed on all reception areas for safe distancing.
- The facility shall only allow students into the facility at 50% capacity.
- RELIABLE HEALTHCARE AGENCY INC. seating shall be arranged 6 feet apart from each other.
Safety Procedure:
Prior to entering, all students and faculty must adhere to the following:
- Please keep a safe distance of 6 feet from other students and faculty
- Face coverings must be worn at all times while in the facility
- You must sanitize your hand immediately after entering the facility, using a sanitizer with at least 60% of alcohol content
- You must wash hands for at least 20 seconds
- You must be willing to receive a temperature reading from our faculty prior to entering the facility
- You must fill out our COVID-19 Liability form and the Exposure. Checklist Log:
- You must alert a faculty member if you have been exposed to and have tested positive to COVID-19
- No loitering in the hallways or any parts of the facility.
- If you need to step out of the classroom for any reason, please exit the facility and upon reentering, you must sanitize your hands with sanitizer of at least 60% of alcohol content
- All clinical practice must be performed only while wearing gloves.
- If you have any questions about our COVID-19 procedures please notify a faculty member
Failure to comply with COVID-19 procedures will result in immediate termination from the current classroom instruction.